Sunday, February 7, 2010

Definition Of Gonoria Evolution: State The Modern Definition Of Species And Indicate Situations In Which It Can't Be Applied?

Evolution: State the modern definition of species and indicate situations in which it can't be applied? - definition of gonoria

Situations state of the modern definition of species and show that not to be applied.
Thank you.


Mr. Liu said...

The concept of species has undergone many changes in the history of the development. It was always used to groups that are fundamentally different to describe. Originally, the distinction according to morphological differences. But soon it became clear that certain types of organizations that had different ways at different stages of their lives. In addition, some agencies in various forms, such as the queen and workers is made in many social insects. These different kinds of insects were clearly the same type of organism, although they are morphologically different.

Because of these problems, the modern definition of species not on the morphological similarities. In contrast, focuses on reproductive health. Today, a type is defined as a group of organisms that a common gene pool and can mate successfully. As will be seen in isolation on reproductive, the emphasis is on "reproductive success" is important and problematic. Many closely related species can produce sterile offspring, whereas the populations of other species, there are tHat can mate with each other, but everyone can mate with one third of the population.

The species can also be considered where the population between the crossover or gene flow. When people who have the potential to cross over, but not for any reason (eg, overlapping) geographical isolation may or may not be the same way as a point of contention among biologists. For our purposes, we consider a kind of being a group of populations that cross to produce viable offspring.

OK, you can call anything if you can be a form of racial or anything like t, both the ecology, it is logical because if the birds nest, bear witness most of them fertile or sterile offspring, can not die, of course, produce

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