Monday, February 1, 2010

How To Care Lobster I'm Wondering If Anyone Knows How To Properly Care For A Lobster (not Preparing Them For Dinner) ?

I'm wondering if anyone knows how to properly care for a lobster (not preparing them for dinner) ? - how to care lobster

I am looking for a store in a supermarket, and explores how to take care of a lobster, but they have not really able to find something to ... I wonder if anyone has any experience in this department?


danielle Z said...

Instead of me a lot about lobsters, here is a great site with lots of information. Lobsters are not as easy as one might think that as a pet. I had for a time one and require a reservoir of considerable size, with room to move.

JellyBea... said...

I thought that too, but even if you will save a thousand more will be consumed during the day, delivers a puppy over a ~

Giulio G said...

I think you could ask for people to experiment, electrophysiology (look at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hall, site). Basically, they are kept alive, his experience and I have a saltwater aquarium use (that is) are really very difficult to maintain. Hope it helps.

paintedr... said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who ever than this. In all cases:

Lobsters are naturally aggressive, not more than a house in a cage. Appropriate size aquarium. Arena, under stones, because they want to dig. They are nocturnal and feed at night. They are scavengers and eat almost anything that should catch them with their claws (like little fish, fish food pellets, etc.), water temperature 65 to 85 F. are hidden from you, enter a cave or a place they need to become . hide

Note, however, as the locusts do not'','' food supermarkets look good, as they eat, so you can with a lobster patients who do not stop living so long.

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